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Thoratec Corp

Model # OEM Product Name Size Price Qty
106762 Thoratec Corp Thoratec HeartMate II System Controller
Thoratec Corp: 106762
107315 Thoratec Corp Thoratec HeartMate II Sealed Outflow Bend Relief Collar
Thoratec Corp: 107315
106526US Thoratec Corp Thoratec HeartMate 3 Modular Cable Cap - Individual Unit
Thoratec Corp: 106526US
105581US Thoratec Corp Thoratec HeartMate 3 Sealed Outflow Graft with Bend Relief
Thoratec Corp: 105581US
10002-6020-002 Thoratec Corp Vectra Vascular Access Graft with Thoralon Polyurethane - 6.0mm x 20cm
Thoratec Corp: 10002-6020-002
6.0mm x 20cm
10002-5040-001 Thoratec Corp Vectra Vascular Access Graft with Thoralon Polyurethane - 5.0mm x 40cm
Thoratec Corp: 10002-5040-001
5.0mm x 40cm
10012-2555-001 Thoratec Corp Thoratec IVAD - Implantable Ventricular Assist Device - Blood Pump
Thoratec Corp: 10012-2555-001
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100121 Thoratec Corp Thoratec VAD Arterial Cannula - Long/Straight - 14mm
Thoratec Corp: 100121
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10075-2574-001 Thoratec Corp Thoratec PVAD Atrial Cannula - Short, Beveled Tip with Side Holes - 11mm x 8cm x 25cm
Thoratec Corp: 10075-2574-001
11mm x 8cm x 25cm
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10002-6050-001 Thoratec Corp Vectra Vascular Access Graft with Thoralon Polyurethane - 6.0mm x 50cm
Thoratec Corp: 10002-6050-001
6.0mm x 50cm
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10075-2573-001 Thoratec Corp Thoratec PVAD Atrial Cannula - Long, Beveled Tip with Side Holes - 15mm x 8cm x 31cm
Thoratec Corp: 10075-2573-001
15mm x 8cm x 31cm
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103393 Thoratec Corp Thoratec HeartMate II Sealed Outflow Graft with Bend Relief
Thoratec Corp: 103393
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