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Over 60,000 unopened, expired and non-expired medical products
100+ OEMs available at 50%-90% below MSRP
Non-clinical R&D, Research, Bench Testing, Sales and Teaching.


Model # OEM Product Name Size Price Qty
AB081041 Oscor Adelante Breezeway Delivery Sheath - 8Fr x 61cm x .035" x 70°
Oscor: AB081041
8Fr x 61cm x .035" x 70°
AB081041-NE Oscor Adelante Breezeway Delivery Sheath - 8Fr x 61cm x .035" x 70° - Non-Expired
Oscor: AB081041-NE
8Fr x 61cm x .035" x 70°
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AB081045 Oscor Adelante Breezeway Delivery Sheath - 8Fr x 79cm x .035" x 70°
Oscor: AB081045
8Fr x 79cm x .035" x 70°
AB081045-NE Oscor Adelante Breezeway Delivery Sheath - 8Fr x 79cm x .035" x 70° - Non-Expired
Oscor: AB081045-NE
8Fr x 79cm x .035" x 70°
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9-TDS-09F45-80 Abbott Amplatzer Talisman Delivery Sheath - 9Fr x 80cm x 45°
Abbott: 9-TDS-09F45-80
9Fr x 80cm x 45°
9-TDS-09F45-80-NE Abbott Amplatzer Talisman Delivery Sheath - 9Fr x 80cm x 45° - Non-Expired
Abbott: 9-TDS-09F45-80-NE
9Fr x 80cm x 45°
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9-TV2-05F120 Abbott AMPLATZER TorqVue 2 Delivery Sheath - 5Fr x 120cm
Abbott: 9-TV2-05F120
5Fr x 120cm
9-TV2-06F120 AGA AMPLATZER TorqVue 2 Delivery Sheath - 6Fr x 120cm
AGA: 9-TV2-06F120
6Fr x 120cm
9-TV2-07F120 AGA AMPLATZER TorqVue 2 Delivery Sheath - 7Fr x 120cm
AGA: 9-TV2-07F120
7Fr x 120cm
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500-55112-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 12cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55112-Boston
106cm x 12cm
500-55118-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 18cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55118-Boston
106cm x 18cm
500-55118-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 18cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55118-Boston-NE
106cm x 18cm
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500-55124-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 24cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55124-Boston
106cm x 24cm
500-55124-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 24cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55124-Boston-NE
106cm x 24cm
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500-55130-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 30cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55130-Boston
106cm x 30cm
500-55130-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 30cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55130-Boston-NE
106cm x 30cm
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500-55140-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 40cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55140-Boston
106cm x 40cm
500-55140-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 40cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55140-Boston-NE
106cm x 40cm
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500-55150-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 50cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55150-Boston
106cm x 50cm
500-55150-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 50cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55150-Boston-NE
106cm x 50cm
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500-55106-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 106cm x 6cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55106-Boston
106cm x 6cm
500-56112-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 135cm x 12cm
Boston Scientific: 500-56112-Boston
135cm x 12cm
500-56130-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 135cm x 30cm
Boston Scientific: 500-56130-Boston
135cm x 30cm
500-56130-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 135cm x 30cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-56130-Boston-NE
135cm x 30cm
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500-56140-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 135cm x 40cm
Boston Scientific: 500-56140-Boston
135cm x 40cm
500-56150-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter and Ultrasonic Core - 135cm x 50cm
Boston Scientific: 500-56150-Boston
135cm x 50cm
520-52224-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Infusion Catheter only - 106cm x 24cm
Boston Scientific: 520-52224-Boston
106cm x 24cm
500-55312-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Ultrasonic Core only - 106cm x 12cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55312-Boston
106cm x 12cm
500-55312-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Ultrasonic Core only - 106cm x 12cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55312-Boston-NE
106cm x 12cm
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500-55318-Boston-NE Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Ultrasonic Core only - 106cm x 18cm - Non-Expired
Boston Scientific: 500-55318-Boston-NE
106cm x 18cm
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500-55324-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Ultrasonic Core only - 106cm x 24cm
Boston Scientific: 500-55324-Boston
106cm x 24cm
500-56312-Boston Boston Scientific EkoSonic Endovascular Device - Ultrasonic Core only - 135cm x 12cm
Boston Scientific: 500-56312-Boston
135cm x 12cm
500-55112 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 12cm
EKOS: 500-55112
106cm x 12cm
500-55112-NE EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 12cm - Non-Expired
EKOS: 500-55112-NE
106cm x 12cm
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500-55118 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 18cm
EKOS: 500-55118
106cm x 18cm
500-55124 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 24cm
EKOS: 500-55124
106cm x 24cm
500-55130 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 30cm
EKOS: 500-55130
106cm x 30cm
500-55140 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 40cm
EKOS: 500-55140
106cm x 40cm
500-55150 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 50cm
EKOS: 500-55150
106cm x 50cm
500-55106 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 6cm
EKOS: 500-55106
106cm x 6cm
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500-55106-NE EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 106cm x 6cm - Non-Expired
EKOS: 500-55106-NE
106cm x 6cm
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500-56112 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 135cm x 12cm
EKOS: 500-56112
135cm x 12cm
500-56112-NE EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 135cm x 12cm - Non-Expired
EKOS: 500-56112-NE
135cm x 12cm
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500-56130 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 135cm x 30cm
EKOS: 500-56130
135cm x 30cm
500-56140 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 135cm x 40cm
EKOS: 500-56140
135cm x 40cm
500-56150 EKOS EkoSonic Mach 4 Endovascular MicroSonic Device and Intelligent Drug Delivery Catheter - 135cm x 50cm
EKOS: 500-56150
135cm x 50cm
APT6072-132 Q'Apel Medical, Inc Hippo 072 Aspiration System - 6.5Fr x .072" x 132cm
Q'Apel Medical, Inc: APT6072-132
6.5Fr x .072" x 132cm
MVP-9Q Medtronic MVP Micro Vascular Plug - Mechanical Detachment - 13mm x 18mm x 165cm
Medtronic: MVP-9Q
13mm x 18mm x 165cm
MVP-3Q Medtronic MVP Micro Vascular Plug - Mechanical Detachment - 5.3mm x 12mm x 180cm
Medtronic: MVP-3Q
5.3mm x 12mm x 180cm
MVP-5Q Medtronic MVP Micro Vascular Plug - Mechanical Detachment - 6.5mm x 12mm x 180cm
Medtronic: MVP-5Q
6.5mm x 12mm x 180cm