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Aspiration Catheters

Model # OEM Product Name Size Price Qty
25-300 AngioDynamics, Inc. ALPHAVAC Multipurpose Mechanical Aspiration - H787253000 - 25Fr/C20 x 77cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 25-300
25Fr/C20 x 77cm
25-301 AngioDynamics, Inc. ALPHAVAC Multipurpose Mechanical Aspiration - H787253010 - 25Fr/F22180 x 77cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 25-301
25Fr/F22180 x 77cm
25-301-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. ALPHAVAC Multipurpose Mechanical Aspiration - H787253010 - 25Fr/F22180 x 77cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 25-301-NE
25Fr/F22180 x 77cm
APRO-70-132 Alembic APRO 70 Catheter - 132cm x 97cm x .070"
Alembic: APRO-70-132
132cm x 97cm x .070"
INC-11814-125-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 46 Intermediate Catheter - 0.046" x 125cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11814-125-NE
0.046" x 125cm
INC-11814-146-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 46 Intermediate Catheter - 0.046" x 146cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11814-146-NE
0.046" x 146cm
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INC-11814-160-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 46 Intermediate Catheter - 0.046" x 160cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11814-160-NE
0.046" x 160cm
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INC-11129-125 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 71 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.071" X 125cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11129-125
0.071" X 125cm
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INC-11129-115 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 71 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.071" x 115cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11129-115
0.071" x 115cm
INC-11129-115-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 71 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.071" x 115cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11129-115-NE
0.071" x 115cm
INC-11129-132 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 71 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.071" x 132cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11129-132
0.071" x 132cm
INC-11129-132-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 71 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.071" x 132cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11129-132-NE
0.071" x 132cm
INC-11597-115 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 74 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.074" x 115cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11597-115
0.074" x 115cm
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INC-11597-125 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 74 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.074" x 125cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11597-125
0.074" x 125cm
INC-11597-132 Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 74 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.074" x 132cm
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11597-132
0.074" x 132cm
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INC-11597-132-NE Stryker Neurovascular AXS Vecta 74 Intermediate Aspiration Catheter - 0.074" x 132cm - Non-Expired
Stryker Neurovascular: INC-11597-132-NE
0.074" x 132cm
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CATRXKIT Penumbra System CAT RX Indigo System - CAT RX + Aspiration Tubing - 6Fr x 140cm
Penumbra System: CATRXKIT
6Fr x 140cm
CAT3KIT Penumbra System CAT3 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter and Aspiration Tubing - 4.1Fr/3.4Fr x .032" x 150cm
Penumbra System: CAT3KIT
4.1Fr/3.4Fr x .032" x 150cm
CAT6 Penumbra System CAT6 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 6 - Straight - 6Fr x 135cm
Penumbra System: CAT6
6Fr x 135cm
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CAT6-NE Penumbra System CAT6 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 6 - Straight - 6Fr x 135cm - Non-Expired
Penumbra System: CAT6-NE
6Fr x 135cm
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CAT7DKIT Penumbra System CAT7D KIT - Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 7D & Aspiration Tubing - XTORQ - 7Fr x 50cm x 13.5cm
Penumbra System: CAT7DKIT
7Fr x 50cm x 13.5cm
CAT8TORQ115 Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter - TORQ - 8Fr x 115cm
Penumbra System: CAT8TORQ115
8Fr x 115cm
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CAT8STR85 Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 - 8Fr x 85cm
Penumbra System: CAT8STR85
8Fr x 85cm
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CAT8TORQ85 Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 - TORQ - 8Fr x 85cm
Penumbra System: CAT8TORQ85
8Fr x 85cm
CAT8TORQ85-NE Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 - TORQ - 8Fr x 85cm - Non-Expired
Penumbra System: CAT8TORQ85-NE
8Fr x 85cm
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CAT8XTORQ115 Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 - XTORQ - 8Fr x 115cm
Penumbra System: CAT8XTORQ115
8Fr x 115cm
CAT8XTORQ115-NE Penumbra System CAT8 Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 - XTORQ - 8Fr x 115cm - Non-Expired
Penumbra System: CAT8XTORQ115-NE
8Fr x 115cm
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CAT8STR85KIT Penumbra System CAT8 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 and Aspiration Tubing - STR - 8Fr x 85cm
Penumbra System: CAT8STR85KIT
8Fr x 85cm
CAT8TORQ115KIT Penumbra System CAT8 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 and Aspiration Tubing - TORQ - 8Fr x 115cm
Penumbra System: CAT8TORQ115KIT
8Fr x 115cm
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CAT8TORQ85KIT Penumbra System CAT8 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 and Aspiration Tubing - TORQ - 8Fr x 85cm
Penumbra System: CAT8TORQ85KIT
8Fr x 85cm
CAT8XTORQ115KIT Penumbra System CAT8 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 and Aspiration Tubing - XTORQ - 8Fr x 115cm
Penumbra System: CAT8XTORQ115KIT
8Fr x 115cm
Was: $1,000.00
Now: $850.00
Was: $1,000.00
Now: $850.00
CAT8XTORQ115KIT-NE Penumbra System CAT8 KIT Indigo System Aspiration Catheter 8 and Aspiration Tubing - XTORQ - 8Fr x 115cm - Non-Expired
Penumbra System: CAT8XTORQ115KIT-NE
8Fr x 115cm
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CATD Penumbra System CATD KIT - Indigo System Aspiration Catheter D & Aspiration Tubing - 8Fr x 50cm x 4cm
Penumbra System: CATD
8Fr x 50cm x 4cm
Was: $350.00
Now: $300.00
Was: $350.00
Now: $300.00
CATD-NE Penumbra System CATD KIT - Indigo System Aspiration Catheter D & Aspiration Tubing - 8Fr x 50cm x 4cm - Non-Expired
Penumbra System: CATD-NE
8Fr x 50cm x 4cm
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ADVANCE Medtronic Export Advance ASPIRATION CATHETER - 6Fr x 140cm
Medtronic: ADVANCE
6Fr x 140cm
ADVANCE-NE Medtronic Export Advance ASPIRATION CATHETER - 6Fr x 140cm - Non-Expired
Medtronic: ADVANCE-NE
6Fr x 140cm
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EXPORTAP Medtronic EXPORT AP Aspiration Catheter - 6Fr x 140cm
Medtronic: EXPORTAP
6Fr x 140cm
EXPORTAP-NE Medtronic EXPORT AP Aspiration Catheter - 6Fr x 140cm - Non-Expired
Medtronic: EXPORTAP-NE
6Fr x 140cm
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G146200USB Medtronic Export Aspiration Catheter - 6Fr x 145cm
Medtronic: G146200USB
6Fr x 145cm
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GEZ6200US7B Medtronic Export Aspiration Catheter - 7Fr x 145cm
Medtronic: GEZ6200US7B
7Fr x 145cm
GEZ6200US7B-NE Medtronic Export Aspiration Catheter - 7Fr x 145cm - Non-Expired
Medtronic: GEZ6200US7B-NE
7Fr x 145cm
10-103 Inari Medical FlowTriever Embolectomy Catheter - 15-18mm
Inari Medical: 10-103
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
10-101 Inari Medical FlowTriever Embolectomy Catheter - 6-10mm
Inari Medical: 10-101
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
10-102 Inari Medical FlowTriever Embolectomy Catheter - M - 11-14mm
Inari Medical: 10-102
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
10-104 Inari Medical FlowTriever Embolectomy Catheter - XL - 19-25mm
Inari Medical: 10-104
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
Was: $1,700.00
Now: $1,100.00
10-104-NE Inari Medical FlowTriever Embolectomy Catheter - XL - 19-25mm - Non-Expired
Inari Medical: 10-104-NE
11-102 Inari Medical FlowTriever2 Embolectomy Catheter - M - 6-16mm
Inari Medical: 11-102
11-102-NE Inari Medical FlowTriever2 Embolectomy Catheter - M - 6-16mm - Non-Expired
Inari Medical: 11-102-NE
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APT6072-132 Q'Apel Medical, Inc Hippo 072 Aspiration System - 6.5Fr x .072" x 132cm
Q'Apel Medical, Inc: APT6072-132
6.5Fr x .072" x 132cm
PSC026 Penumbra System Penumbra 026 Reperfusion Catheter - 2.8Fr/4Fr x .026" x 150cm
Penumbra System: PSC026
2.8Fr/4Fr x .026" x 150cm