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Angiographic Catheters

Model # OEM Product Name Size Price Qty
10707707 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10707707
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10707704 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10707704
4Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10709101 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709101
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
10709101-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709101-NE
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10709104 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709104
5Fr x .038" x 90cm
10718501 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10718501
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10719701 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719701
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10719704 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719704
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10707702 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10707702
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10707705 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10707705
4Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10709102 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709102
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10709105 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709105
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
10709105-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709105-NE
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10718502 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10718502
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10714018 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10714018
4Fr x .038" x 100cm
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10719702 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719702
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
10719702-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719702-NE
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10719705 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719705
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10731802 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10731802
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
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10719711 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719711
5Fr x .038" x 90cm
10709103 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709103
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
10709103-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709103-NE
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10709106 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709106
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
10709106-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709106-NE
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
10709112 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709112
5Fr x .038" x 90cm
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10719709 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719709
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
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10719712 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 3 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719712
5Fr x .038" x 90cm
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10723074 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobrita - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 25cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10723074
5Fr x .035" x 25cm
10722991 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Hastings U-Turn - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10722991
5Fr x .038" x 90cm
10707501 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10707501
4Fr x .035" x 100cm
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10708906 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 130cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10708906
4Fr x .035" x 130cm
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10708901 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10708901
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
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10708905 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - HeadHunter 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10708905
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
10719503 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719503
5Fr x .038" x 100cm
10714040 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10714040
4Fr x .038" x 100cm
10719501 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719501
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
10719501-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719501-NE
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
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50723190 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Headhunter 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 50723190
5Fr x .038" x 100cm
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10709303 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Hook 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709303
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
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10718701 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Hook 1 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10718701
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
10719903 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Hook 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719903
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
10734102 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734102
5Fr x .038" x 100cm
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10714035 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 1 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10714035
4Fr x .038" x 65cm
10734201 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734201
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
10734201-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734201-NE
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
50723171 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 50723171
5Fr x .038" x 100cm
0 Contact Us
10734202 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 2 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734202
4Fr x .035" x 100cm
0 Contact Us
10734204 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734204
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
0 Contact Us
10734207 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 130cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734207
5Fr x .038" x 130cm
0 Contact Us
10734207-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - JB 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 130cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734207-NE
5Fr x .038" x 130cm
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