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AngioDynamics, Inc.

Model # OEM Product Name Size Price Qty
13709104 AngioDynamics, Inc. Accu-Vu Angiographic Sizing Catheter - Pigtail - Non-Braided - 2 R/O Markers - 5Fr x .038" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 13709104
5Fr x .038" x 100cm
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13709002 AngioDynamics, Inc. Accu-Vu Angiographic Sizing Catheter - Omni Flush - Non-Braided - 2 R/O Markers - 5Fr x .038" x 70cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 13709002
5Fr x .038" x 70cm
10719704 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719704
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
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11731403 AngioDynamics, Inc. Mariner Hydrophilic-coated Angiographic Catheter - Straight Art - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 11731403
4Fr x .035" x 90cm
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10709101 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Cobra 1 - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10709101
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
10708504 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Pigtail - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10708504
5Fr x .038" x 65cm
10601501 AngioDynamics, Inc. AngiOPTIC Angiographic Catheter - Pigtail - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10601501
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10708602 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Straight Flush - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10708602
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
13709702 AngioDynamics, Inc. Accu-Vu Angiographic Sizing Catheter - Omni Flush - Non-Braided - 21 R/O Markers - 5Fr x .038" x 70cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 13709702
5Fr x .038" x 70cm
10732303 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Omni Flush - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 110cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10732303
4Fr x .035" x 110cm
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10732301 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Omni Flush - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10732301
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10723502 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Berenstein - Braided - 4Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10723502
4Fr x .035" x 65cm
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10734401 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Osborne 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10734401
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
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10720406 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Sos Omni Selective 3 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .038" x 80cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10720406
5Fr x .038" x 80cm
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10719603 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Simmons Sidewinder 2 - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10719603
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
10632202 AngioDynamics, Inc. AngiOPTIC Angiographic Catheter - Omni Flush - Non-Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 90cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10632202
5Fr x .035" x 90cm
11722701 AngioDynamics, Inc. Mariner Hydrophilic-coated Angiographic Catheter - Berenstein - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 100cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 11722701
5Fr x .035" x 100cm
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10733301 AngioDynamics, Inc. Soft-Vu Angiographic Catheter - Rim - Braided - 5Fr x .035" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 10733301
5Fr x .035" x 65cm
13709802-NE AngioDynamics, Inc. Accu-Vu Angiographic Sizing Catheter - Pigtail - Non-Braided - 21 R/O Markers - 5Fr x .038" x 70cm - Non-Expired
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 13709802-NE
5Fr x .038" x 70cm
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11714054 AngioDynamics, Inc. Mariner Hydrophilic-coated Angiographic Catheter - Sos Omni Selective 2 - Non-Braided - 4Fr x .038" x 65cm
AngioDynamics, Inc.: 11714054
4Fr x .038" x 65cm